Condo Upkeep: Eight Condo Cleaning Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs
Every single homeowner thrives on having a clean and pristine house.
However, a spotless and dust-free house does not come without effort. As it is, homeowners need to do the real filthy work of sprucing up by dusting, scrubbing, and vacuuming all surfaces until they sparkle. Unfortunately, all that work is not something everyone enjoys. Even worse is if you do not do it properly and end up with a heavier cleaning job or issues in the long term. Cleaning may seem like a straightforward household task. Still, if you are not careful, you may create cleaning habits that can result in serious plumbing issues and ones that tarnish your appliances.
However, if you had been making habits out of these cleaning practices, there is a very likely chance that your condo has hidden gunks and grime that you may not be aware of. These poor habits may have stemmed from cleaning myths you once believed as a child or innocuous mistakes you did not think to be potential blunders. Unfortunately, as you grow older, there is a likelihood that you stuck to the same cleaning patterns, which means that these cleaning habits are causing more damage to your property than good. More importantly, these practices may even prove disastrous for you and your family. Luckily, you can still address all of these, but before you do that, you need to know what these bad cleaning habits are.
So, whether you are sprucing up your condo in Cebu or the interiors of your homes, below are just some of the condo cleaning mistakes you should avoid at all costs:
1.) Spraying polish directly on furniture
We get it. You want your furniture to gleam and be shiny. However, when the polish is directly sprayed on a piece of furniture, there is a chance that you may be over-spraying which can result in a spray buildup. Moreover, if some of the cleaning product spills to your floors, it will be become slippery and difficult to remove, making the area accident-prone.
To address this, spray a small amount onto the piece of cloth instead of directly on the furniture. Apply it on your desired surface and simply repeat the process until you have adequately covered the portion of the furniture you wish to be polished.
2.) Using feather duster to dust surfaces.
Contrary to popular belief, a feather duster is not an infallible cleaning tool. The same can be said with a dry rag. If anything, cleaning using either of both instruments will only result in dust spreading around. Keep in mind that any dry cleaning tool will make it difficult for you to remove dust as you are not essentially removing them all, but rather, you are moving them around. As a result, you may develop or be prone to allergic rhinitis.
Instead, use a moist cloth when you are wiping surfaces such as tables, desks, and shelves. If you wish to sweep the floor, do away with the broom and use a vacuum cleaner. The alternative is quicker and more straightforward. Also, you may opt to use the vacuum on your sofa, corners, and other hard-to-reach areas.
3.) Washing the windows on a humid day
A common mistake homeowners make is washing windows on a warm, sunny, and humid day. Washing on a warm day makes the task even more difficult as it is harder to wash off, which leaves streak marks all over your windows. Re-applying the cleaning solution to wash off the streaks is not economical either, as you will only be wasting more of the cleaning product in the process.
In lieu of cleaning windows on humid days, opt to do it on a cooler or a cloudy day. The absence of sunlight minimizes streaks. If you are unsure as to when the right time to clean your windows is, just touch them. If they are a bit hot, schedule the cleaning for another day.
4.) Always keeping the toilet brush wet
The toilet brush is one of the notorious household items that harbor bacteria. One thing you need to keep in mind is that you can expect bacteria buildup wherever there is moisture. While a seemingly innocent cleaning tool, bacteria thrives in toilet brushes and may result in a myriad of illnesses to you and anyone living with you.
Keep your toilet brush dry by placing it between the toilet seat and the bowl after use. Regularly spray it with a disinfectant and allow it to drip for ten minutes or more. When you are done, rinse the brush with hot water and let it dry again.
5.) Using cleaning products improperly
One of the many cleaning mistakes homeowners make is to clean the bathroom without letting any of the cleaning solutions sit first. If you do not let your cleaning products sit, then you are not letting them work. As a result, your solutions will not be as effective as a cleaning agent.
Address this by leaving cleaning solutions to sit for at least thirty minutes after applying them to any area. Come back when the thirty minutes is up and start working on the area. Keep in mind that there are cleaning solutions that contain harsh chemicals that require you to leave the room to allow the fumes to evaporate. Be sure to read the labels of your cleaning solutions properly and do as they instruct.
6.) Using one rag to clean all spaces
A rag for spills is a ubiquitous cleaning item in every household. However, this does not mean that this one rag should be used to perfunctorily wipe spills wherever they may occur—in the kitchen, dining area, or living room. If you are doing this, know that you are spreading more dirt and bacteria than making your surroundings clean.
A good piece of advice to heed is to have a designated rag for each portion of the house where spills commonly occur. Rags designated for the kitchen require frequent washing and disinfection as these are dirtier than any of the rags in your home. More importantly, regularly change them. The same goes for the designated rag in your dining area.
7.) Removing carpet stains superficially
It is imperative that you address this cleaning mistake immediately because you may think you are successful at first, only to find them resurface later on. You should not scrub for dark-colored stains (coffee, wine, and urine) either, as these may destroy the integrity of the rug.
Avoid this common carpet cleaning mistake by using a dry cloth to absorb any spills instead. From there, douse the area with ice water and blot it with a dry cloth. Apply pressure on the towel and allow it to absorb as much liquid as it can. Repeat the process until you can notice no more color transferring to the dry cloth. If the stain persists, use a stain remover. Cleaning carpet spills and stains may be a painstaking process, but it requires your patience, or else you will end up with a permanently stained rug.
8.) Storing cleaning tools without cleaning them
Your cleaning tools need to be cleaned and disinfected, too. Unfortunately, most homeowners are guilty of simply stuffing their cleaning materials and tools inside shelves and cabinets after using them. This is not a good habit as apart from cleaning tools becoming conducive environments for bacteria buildup, it can also cause the cleaning tool to deteriorate earlier—especially when rust and mold start eating it right away.
Make a habit of cleaning your tools regularly. Do this right after you use them and allow them to dry after you clean and disinfect them. Also, keep these supplies properly stored so that they will not gather dust. Make sure to store these items in an area with low humidity as these are prone to mold growth and bacteria buildup.
The common cleaning mistakes above may be habits that are hard to break, but if you wish to have better cleaning results, start addressing them now. After all, doing so will not only make your homes clean and pristine, it ensures that you can keep your family healthy as well.